My friend M was part of a panel talk after a screening of A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night. M pointed out so many things I missed. M’s insights always give me new perspectives.
My first time seeing this film. Been meaning to watch it for ten years.
I like the parts where the girl, played by Sheila Vand, walks home alone at night.
Her impassive face, striped top and long black chador flowing through the night, going past buildings and people.
I love how simple, almost unaffected, her style is. There’s an affect, but it doesn’t look affected at all. I wish I could be like her. But I could never be like her. She is a real girl, even if she is a vampire.
I love the scene where she gets ready, pulling on her simple striped top and putting on her makeup.
I love the way she stands and stares in the pimp’s house, unimpressed while he shows off, staying in the background until she finally bites his finger off.
She stands in front of the chain-link fence, mimicking a man’s movements.
She is almost always alone. Maybe one or two other people.
She skateboards down steep sidewalks. She skateboards down flat roads, lit by streetlights that never blink.
She is just there. No explanation or context. There in her room, filled with posters, music and cosmetics. There in the town, walking home alone at night. She is just there. She goes out and comes back. Don’t need to know why.
Walking home alone at night. Been there, done that, so many times. Never feel safe, but no other choice. People tell me taxis are safer, but at least walking means I’m not trapped in a car with a strange man.
I’m not a vampire. Couldn’t protect myself the way the girl does, walking home alone at night. But I can imagine myself as her. As having some of her quiet power. Some of her vampire stillness.
The girl is stuck in an ugly, nasty town, like me. But unlike me, she is more powerful than the town. It can’t hurt her. She is there, but at a distance. Walking through the town, but not part of it. She can stay detached. And unlike me, she can leave it behind.
I like the parts where the girl walks home alone at night. I don’t like the parts with the young man. Disappointing that it opens with him. His story doesn’t matter to me. His affect is too affected. I think it would have been better with his scenes cut out completely.
A bit too much going on in the film. Too much plot and drama. The noise takes away from the girl’s quiet scenes. Wish I could see a version that’s just her.
I read that Ana Lily Amirpour made this film because she felt lonely. I can feel it.